
Events are special opportunities to connect with self, others and inner guidance, providing focussed attention on what your soul needs.

Online Events

Shanti shares reflections on the different aspects and teachings of the spiritual path, along with meditations, chanting and music.


Online via Zoom.


Upcoming meetings:

  • 14 June 2024 Peace Session – Friday 8am-9am
  • 21 June 2024 Peace Session – Friday 8am-9am
  • 5 July 2024 Peace Session – Friday 8am-9am

Every offering is gratefully received, listen to your heart and make your personal choice.  Donations can be made via the contact page of this website. 


Thanks to Jānī for assisting at meetings.

Individually Guided Retreats

Spaces available Summer and Autumn.  Give yourself the opportunity for spiritual nourishment and healing.  Feel free to make contact in order to explore options.

Group Retreats: 

Opportunities to refresh your soul and find new energy, courage and insight.

Feel free to make contact for more information or to register.